Wheter you are a cocktail lover or hosting a party with your best friends, with these delicious cocktails recipes you create the perfect atmosphere for an unforgettable moment.
Angêlus & Coffee Tonic
5 cl Cardenal Mendoza Angêlus 10 cl Coffee Tonic 3 dash Orange Bitters Ice cube Fresh mint Orange zest Piece of chocolate Sprig of mint
Put ice cubes in the glass and add 5 cl Cardenal Mendoza Angêlus, 10 cl Coffee Tonic, fresh mint, orange zest, 3 dash orange bitters. Stir and garnish with a piece of chocolate and a sprig of mint.
Add 3-4 ice cubes, 6 cl gin, Tonic Water and juniper berries to the glass. Stir well. Garnish with dried lemon.
Cherry Mint GT
Blueberries Sprig of mint 4-5 Ice cubes Lime zest 3 cl Gin 1 cl of lime juice 5 cl of cherry juice Tonic Water
Muddle blueberries in the glass and add 4-5 ice cubes lime zest, 3 cl gin, 1 cl of lime juice, 5 cl of cherry juice. Knock a mint sprig into the glass fill up with Tonic Water stir.
Batida Passion Fruit Fresh
5 cl Mangaroca Batida com Rum 1 cl freshly pressed lime juice 5 cl Passion fruit juice 10 cl Tonic Water Ice cube Sprig of mint Slice of lime
Put ice cubes in the glass and add 5 cl Mangaroca Batida com Rum, 1 cl freshly squeezed lime juice, 5 cl passion fruit juice, 10 cl Tonic Water. Stir and garnish with a mint sprig and a slice of lime.
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