MSRP per masterpack<\/small>", "cart.table.price.b2b.rrp": "RRP per Bill unit<\/small> / RRP per Master Pack<\/small>", "cart.table.priceTax": "Prezzo tasse incl.", "cart.table.priceTax.op": "Prezzo della gastronomia al pezzo imposte incl.<\/small>", "cart.table.priceTax.b2b": "MSRP per unità di imballaggio<\/small> / MSRP per masterpack<\/small>", "cart.table.priceNoTax": "Prezzo tasse escl.", "cart.table.priceNoTax.op": "Prezzo della gastronomia al pezzo imposte escl.<\/small>", "cart.table.priceNoTax.b2b": "MSRP per unità di imballaggio<\/small> / MSRP per masterpack<\/small>", "cart.table.quantity": "quantità", "cart.table.masterPack": "Confezioni", "cart.table.cases": "Scatola (case)", "cart.table.casePrice": "Prezzo per scatola (case)", "cart.table.billUnits": "unità di imballaggio", "cart.table.pieces": "Pezzi", "cart.table.bu": "UC", "": "MP", "cart.table.masterpackPrice": "Costa della confezione", "cart.table.msrpSubtotal": "Subtotale MSRP", "cart.table.ukSubtotal": "Subtotal", "cart.table.subtotal": "Subtotale", "cart.table.subtotalTax": "Subtotale tasse incl.<\/small>", "cart.table.subtotalNoTax": "Subtotale tasse escl.<\/small>", "": "Totale", "": "(40% di sconto per l’acquisto all’ingrosso)", "": "Totale", "cart.table.totalTax": "Totale tasse incl.", "cart.table.totalNoTax": "Totale tasse escl.", "cart.table.msrpInfo": "(Prezzo al dettaglio consigliato dal produttore)", "cart.table.rrpInfo": "(Recommended retail price)", "cart.infotext.maxAmountGiftwrapsItem": "Se l\'importo aumenta, la confezione regalo sarà deselezionata", "cart.infotext.maxAmountGiftwraps": "Troppi articoli per la confezione regalo", "cart.infotext.activeGiftwrapping": "Confezione regalo applicata", "cart.infotext.discountBadge": "Sconti inclusi:", "cart.summary.headline": "Carrello", "cart.summary.subtotal": "Subtotale tasse escl.", "cart.summary.shipping": "Spese di spedizione", "": "Imposta", "cart.summary.totalQuantity": "Quantità tot. ordinata", "": "di %%pieces%% pezzi", "": "di %%billUnits%% unità di vendita o %%pieces%% pezzi", "cart.summary.subtotalTax": "Totale parziale tasse incluse", "cart.summary.subtotalNoTax": "Totale parziale escluso. tributo", "cart.summary.totalTax": "Totale tasse incluse", "cart.summary.totalNoTax": "Totale escluso. tributo", "": "HST", "": "PST", "": "GST", "": "QST", "": "Tassa articoli", "": "Tassa di spedizione", "cart.summary.totalDiscount": "Sconto totale incluso", "cart.summary.edit": "Modifica carrello", "cart.summary.orderHeadline": "Riepilogo dell\'ordine", "cart.summary.shippingCostInfoText": "Verranno ricalcolati nel prossimo passaggio", "cart.empty": "Il suo carrello è vuoto.", "cart.customLineItems.headline": "Sconti", "cart.item.remove": "Rimuovi", "discountCode.text": "Codici buono", "discountCode.error": "Codice buono non valido. Si prega di ricontrollare il codice (maiuscole e minuscole) o di contattare il nostro team tramite l\'apposito modulo.", "discountCode.existing": "Codice buono già in uso", "discountCode.activeCoupons": "Buoni attivi", "discountCode.apply": "Applica", "discountCode.placeholder": "Inserire qui il codice sconto", "discountCode.remove": "Elimina codice sconto", "loginForm.loginFailed": "E-mail o password errata.", "loginForm.login": "Login", "loginForm.forgotPassword": "Ha dimenticato la password?", "loginForm.returnLogin": "Ritorna al login", "loginForm.reset": "Reimposta password", "loginForm.resetInfo": "Inserisca la sua e-mail per ricevere il link di ripristino.", "": "Nuovo cliente", "": "Crea il suo account personale e invii i prodotti a", "": "Creando un account nel nostro shop può usufruire di una vasta gamma di vantaggi e funzionalità:
Acquisti semplici e rapidi<\/li>
Accesso agli ordini e salvataggio degli indirizzi<\/li>
Liste dei desideri e liste d\'acquisto personalizzate<\/li><\/ul>", "": "Crea account", "loginRegistration.login.headline": "Clienti registrati", "loginRegistration.login.text": "Se hai un account, effettua il login", "loginRegistration.guest.headline": "Acquista come ospite", "loginRegistration.guest.text": "Completi il checkout come ospite e spedisca il suo ordine in", "loginRegistration.guest.submit": "Continua come ospite", "registration.introText": "Il bicchiere in cristallo NACHTMANN conferisce un tocco di lusso alla moderna vita quotidiana. L\'azienda ha le sue radici in Baviera, in Germania, e vanta una tradizione che risale a quasi 200 anni. Rappresenta \"Il meglio del Made in Germany\" e riflette la dedizione per l\'alta qualità e l\'eccellente design.", "registration.headlineNew": "Crea i tuoi dati di accesso", "registration.headlineNewOnPremise": "Crea i tuoi dati di accesso", "registration.headlineNewB2B": "Crea i tuoi dati di accesso", "registration.headlineGuest": "Conto ospite", "registration.headlineAddress": "Inserire i dati dell\'indirizzo", "registration.retail.checkbox": "Crea un account personale", "": "Benvenuti nello NACHTMANN HoReCa Shop per i nostri clienti commerciali. Questa sezione del sito è stata appositamente studiata per i nostri clienti del settore gastronomico e alberghiero. I prezzi sono indicati al netto per pezzo e per cartone in EUR; si prega di notare le condizioni di spedizione. Seguite le nostre istruzioni passo passo per registrarvi, creare il vostro account commerciale e selezionare i prodotti desiderati.", "": "Crea un account per ristoratori ed enoteche", "": "Selezionare un tipo di azienda", "": "Le diamo il benvenuto nello shop NACHTMANN B2B per rivenditori all\'ingrosso e al dettaglio. Quest\'area del nostro sito è dedicata nello specifico ai rivenditori all\'ingrosso e al dettaglio in possesso di una partita IVA. Offriamo condizioni di vendita all\'ingrosso speciali per la consegna diretta. Segua le istruzioni per effettuare la registrazione, creare un account commerciale e selezionare i prodotti desiderati. Si prega di prendere visione delle condizioni di spedizione. Prezzi: prezzo di vendita consigliato (PVC) non vincolante in EUR per unità d\'imballaggio (UI). Imballaggi: tutta la merce è spedita in cosiddetti masterpack (MP) contenenti una o più unità d\'imballaggio (UI). Inoltre, viene indicato il numero di pezzi contenuti in ogni unità d\'imballaggio.", "": "Welcome to the RSN.UK Ltd Retail Wholesale webshop. We are pleased to offer a comprehensive selection of glassware from Riedel, Spiegelau and Nachtmann.", "registration.b2b.checkbox": "Crea un account per rivenditori all\'ingrosso e al dettaglio", "registration.b2b.error": "Selezionare un tipo di azienda", "": "Ristorante/bar", "companyType.caterer": "Azienda di catering", "companyType.hotel": "Hotel", "companyType.winery": "cantina", "country.austria": "Austria", "country.belgium": "Belgio", "country.bulgaria": "Bulgaria", "country.croatia": "Croazia", "country.cyprus": "Cipro", "country.denmark": "Danimarca", "country.estonia": "Estonia", "country.finland": "Finlandia", "country.france": "Francia", "country.germany": "Germania", "country.greece": "Grecia", "country.hungary": "Ungheria", "country.ireland": "Irlanda", "country.italy": "Italia", "country.latvia": "Lettonia", "country.liechtenstein": "Liechtenstein", "country.lithuania": "Lituania", "country.luxembourg": "Lussemburgo", "country.malta": "Malta", "country.netherlands": "Paesi Bassi", "country.poland": "Polonia", "country.portugal": "Portogallo", "country.romania": "Romania", "country.slovakia": "Slovacchia", "country.slovenia": "Slovenia", "country.spain": "Spagna", "country.sweden": "Svezia", "country.greatBritain": "Regno Unito", "country.emirates": "Emirati Arabi Uniti", "country.iceland": "Islanda", "country.czech": "Repubblica Ceca", "country.norway": "Norvegia", "country.monaco": "Monaco", "country.usa": "Stati Uniti", "country.newZealand": "Nuova Zelanda", "country.australia": "Australia", "country.canada": "Canada", "country.switzerland": "Svizzera", "country.lichtenstein": "Liechtenstein", "country.india": "India", "rootView.headline": "MyNACHTMANN", "rootDefaultView.headline": "Login / Registrazione", "registerView.headline": "Registrazione", "registerView.subtitle": " ", "editView.headline": "Modifica dati", "editView.subtitle": " ", "ordersView.headline": "Ordini", "ordersView.subtitle": " ", "resetPwView.headline": "Reimposta la password", "resetPwView.subtitle": " ", "userData.headline": "Dati utente", "userData.edit": "Modifica dati", "": "Salva dati", "userData.resetPw": "Reimposta password", "userData.resetPw.headline": "Invia un reset-link all\'indirizzo e- mail fornito", "userData.resetPw.success.headline": "La sua richiesta è stata inoltrata", "userData.resetPw.success.text": "Se ha già un account, riceverà un’e-mail per reimpostare la password.", "userData.discard": "Ignora", "userData.update": "Aggiornamento", "": "Nuovo", "editShipping.headline": "Indirizzi di spedizione", "bonuspoints.mainText": "Punti bonus MyNACHTMANN", "bonuspoints.balanceText": "Saldo corrente:", "bonuspoints.points": "Punti", "bonuspoints.openBtn": "Utilizzare i punti bonus", "bonuspoints.removeBtn": "Remove bonus points", "bonuspoints.windowText": " ", "bonuspoints.priceReduction": "Riduzione di prezzo", "bonuspoints.usePoints": "Utilizzare i punti bonus", "bonuspoints.setMax": "Utilizzare tutti i punti", "bonuspoints.setMin": "Non utilizzare punti", "paymentMethod.creditCard": "Carta di credito", "paymentMethod.creditCardAndDebitcard": "Carta di credito o di debito", "paymentMethod.klarna": "Klarna - Paga adesso. O dopo. O a rate.", "paymentMethod.six": "Carta di credito, PostFinance o TWINT", "paymentMethod.afterpay": "Afterpay - 4 rate bisettimanali", "paymentMethod.applepay": "Apple Pay", "paymentMethod.twint": "TWINT", "paymentMethod.cartebancaire": "Carte bancaire", "myriedelSection.wishlist.title": "La mia lista dei desideri", "myriedelSection.wishlist.btnText": "Mostra lista dei desideri", "myriedelSection.productComparison.title": "Confronto prodotti", "myriedelSection.productComparison.btnText": "Confronta prodotti", "": "I miei punti bonus", "": "Per saperne di più", "myriedelSection.orders.title": "I miei ordini", "myriedelSection.orders.btnText": "Mostra ordini", "myriedelSection.account.title": "Dettagli Account", "myriedelSection.account.btnText": "Mostra dati", "myriedelSection.bonuspoints.title": "Punti bonus:", "myriedelSection.bonuspoints.btnText": "Per saperne di più", "myriedelSection.newWishlist": "Nuova lista dei desideri", "myriedelSection.wishlistError": "Questo campo è obbligatorio.", "myriedelSection.noItems": "Nessun prodotto nella lista dei desideri.", "myriedelSection.wishlistShare.title": "Lista dei desideri condivisa", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.text": "Invii questo link a parenti e amici per condividere la sua lista dei desideri", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.headline": "Condivida la sua lista dei desideri", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.mail": "Condividi tramite e-mail", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.whatsapp": "Condividi tramite WhatsApp", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.messenger": "Condividi tramite Messenger", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.clipboard": "Copia link di condivisione negli appunti", "myriedel.shopLink.retail": "Vai allo shop", "myriedel.shopLink.op": "Vai al negozio HoReCa", "myriedel.shopLink.b2b": "Vai al negozio al dettaglio/all’ingrosso", "": "Download", "orders.details.btn": "dettagli", "orders.details.btnClose": "Chiudi dettagli", "orders.details.headline": "Dettagli ordine", "orders.reprint.btn": "Stampa fattura", "orders.tracking.btn": "Tracciamento della spedizione", "orders.reorder": "Riordina", "orders.reorder.title": "Vuole creare un nuovo carrello da questo ordine?", "orders.reorder.text": "È possibile che non tutti i prodotti siano attualmente disponibili e che i prezzi e gli sconti siano cambiati.", "orders.reorder.submit": "Invia", "orders.reorder.cancel": "Annulla", "orders.complete": "Concludi ordine", "orders.complete.title": "Concludi l’ordine", "orders.complete.text": "Se conferma, i prodotti inclusi nell’ordine non riuscito verranno aggiunti di nuovo al carrello. Alcuni prodotti potrebbero non essere disponibili e i prezzi e gli sconti potrebbero aver subito variazioni.", "orders.complete.submit": "Conferma", "orders.complete.cancel": "Annulla", "orders.paymentStatus.Paid": "pagato", "orders.paymentStatus.Failed": "Non riuscito", "orders.paymentStatus.Balance_due": "in sospeso", "orders.paymentStatus.Pending": "in sospeso", "orders.paymentStatus.Credit_owed": "in sospeso", "orders.paymentStatus.undefined": "in sospeso", "orders.shippingStatus.Shipped": "spedita", "orders.shippingStatus.Ready": "pronto", "orders.shippingStatus.Pending": "In sospeso", "orders.shippingStatus.Delayed": "In ritardo", "orders.shippingStatus.Partial": "parziale", "orders.shippingStatus.Backorder": "Ordine differito", "orders.shippingStatus.undefined": "Mancante", "": "Data dell\'ordine", "ordersOverview.orderId": "ID ordine", "ordersOverview.status": "Stato del pagamento e della spedizione", "ordersOverview.paymentStatus": "Stato del pagamento", "ordersOverview.shippingStatus": "Stato della spedizione", "ordersOverview.noData": "Dati non disponibili", "orderItem.shippingAddress": "Indirizzo di spedizione", "orderItem.billingAddress": "Indirizzo di fatturazione", "orderItem.customerNr": "Codice cliente", "orderItem.shippingMethod": "Metodo di spedizione", "orderItem.paymentMethod": "Metodo di pagamento", "orderItem.trackingCode": "codici di tracking", "orderItem.trackingCode.carrier": "vettore", "orderItem.trackingCode.trackingCode": "codice di tracking", "resetPwForm.success": "La nuova password è stata impostata correttamente.", "resetPwForm.submit": "Imposta nuova password", "": "E-mail non verificata", "emailVerification.resend": "Invia nuovamente il link di verifica", "emailVerification.success.headline": "Attenzione!", "emailVerification.success.text": "La sua e-mail di verifica è stata inviata. Si prega di controllare il suo account di posta e approvare la verifica.", "myriedelBreadcrumb.edit": "Dettagli Account", "myriedelBreadcrumb.orders": "Ordini", "myriedelBreadcrumb.wishlist": "Lista dei desideri", "myriedelBreadcrumb.reset": "Reimposta password", "myriedelBreadcrumb.wishlist-share": "Lista dei desideri condivisa", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-us": "US", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-eu": "UE", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-uk": "UK", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-can": "can", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-nzl": "NZ", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-sui": "SUI", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-aus": "AUS", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points": "Generale", "usState.AL": "Alabama", "usState.AK": "Alaska", "usState.AZ": "Arizona", "usState.AR": "Arkansas", "usState.CA": "California", "usState.CO": "Colorado", "usState.CT": "Connecticut", "usState.DC": "District of Colombia", "usState.DE": "Delaware", "usState.FL": "Florida", "usState.GA": "Georgia", "usState.HI": "Hawaii", "usState.ID": "Idaho", "usState.IL": "Illinois", "usState.IN": "Indiana", "usState.IA": "Iowa", "usState.KS": "Kansas", "usState.KY": "Kentucky", "usState.LA": "Louisiana", "usState.ME": "Maine", "usState.MD": "Maryland", "usState.MA": "Massachusetts", "usState.MI": "Michigan", "usState.MN": "Minnesota", "usState.MS": "Mississippi", "usState.MO": "Missouri", "usState.MT": "Montana", "usState.NE": "Nebraska", "usState.NV": "Nevada", "usState.NH": "New Hampshire", "usState.NJ": "New Jersey", "usState.NM": "New Mexico", "usState.NY": "New York", "usState.NC": "North Carolina", "usState.ND": "North Dakota", "usState.OH": "Ohio", "usState.OK": "Oklahoma", "usState.OR": "Oregon", "usState.PA": "Pennsylvania", "usState.RI": "Rhode Island", "usState.SC": "South Carolina", "usState.SD": "South Dakota", "usState.TN": "Tennessee", "usState.TX": "Texas", "usState.UT": "Utah", "usState.VT": "Vermont", "usState.VA": "Virginia", "usState.WA": "Washington", "usState.WV": "West Virginia", "usState.WI": "Wisconsin", "usState.WY": "Wyoming", "auState.ACT": "Territorio della Capitale Australiana", "auState.NSW": "New South Wales", "auState.QLD": "Queensland", "auState.SA": "Australia Meridionale", "auState.TAS": "Tasmania", "auState.VIC": "Victoria", "auState.WA": "Australia Occidentale", "auState.NT": "Territorio del Nord", "caState.AB": "Alberta", "caState.BC": "British Columbia", "caState.MB": "Manitoba", "caState.NB": "New Brunswick", "caState.NL": "Newfoundland e Labrador", "caState.NT": "Territori del Nordovest", "caState.NS": "Nuova Scozia", "caState.NU": "Nunavut", "caState.ON": "Ontario", "caState.PE": "Isola di Principe Edoardo", "caState.QC": "Quebec", "caState.SK": "Saskatchewan", "caState.YT": "Territorio dello Yukon", "gbState.main": "Regno Unito", "": "Isole del Canale", "esState.spain": "Spagna", "esState.canary": "Isole Canarie", "ptState.portugal": "Portogallo", "ptState.madeira": "Madeira", "a11y.openNewWindow": "(si apre in una nuova finestra)", "a11y.iframe": "Il browser non supporta iframe. Consultare il contenuto di questo iframe all’indirizzo", "a11y.removeProduct": "Rimuovi prodotto", "a11y.switchCountryLink.alt": "Apri sovrapposizione per cambiare paese", "a11y.skipSidebar": "Ignora barra laterale", "vies.error.confirm": "Continua", "vies.error.cancel": "Annulla e modifica", "vies.error.EC.belgium.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.belgium.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.belgium.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.belgium.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"BE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.belgium.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"BE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.belgium.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"BE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.bulgaria.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.bulgaria.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.bulgaria.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.bulgaria.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"BG\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.bulgaria.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"BG\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.bulgaria.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"BG\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.denmark.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.denmark.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.denmark.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.denmark.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"DK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.denmark.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"DK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.denmark.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"DK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.germany.headline": "Impossibile verificare la partita IVA inserita!", "vies.error.PRO.germany.headline": "Impossibile verificare la partita IVA inserita!", "vies.error.ECR.germany.headline": "Impossibile verificare la partita IVA inserita!", "vies.error.EC.germany.message": "Le partite IVA non valide non sono considerate nei nostri ordini. Se procede, il suo ordine verrà elaborato senza una partita IVA. Uno degli errori più frequenti è la mancanza del codice del Paese. Si assicuri di aver inserito IT prima della sua partita IVA. In caso di problemi contatti il Servizio Clienti.", "vies.error.PRO.germany.message": "Le partite IVA non valide non sono considerate nei nostri ordini. Se procede, il suo ordine verrà elaborato senza una partita IVA. Uno degli errori più frequenti è la mancanza del codice del Paese. Si assicuri di aver inserito IT prima della sua partita IVA. In caso di problemi contatti il Servizio Clienti.", "vies.error.ECR.germany.message": "Le partite IVA non valide non sono considerate nei nostri ordini. Se procede, il suo ordine verrà elaborato senza una partita IVA. Uno degli errori più frequenti è la mancanza del codice del Paese. Si assicuri di aver inserito IT prima della sua partita IVA. In caso di problemi contatti il Servizio Clienti.", "vies.error.EC.estonia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.estonia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.estonia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.estonia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.estonia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.estonia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.finland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.finland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.finland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.finland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"FI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.finland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"FI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.finland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"FI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.france.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.france.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!\t", "vies.error.ECR.france.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.france.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"FR\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.france.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have FR before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.france.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have FR before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.greece.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.greece.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.greece.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.greece.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.greece.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.greece.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.italy.headline": "Non è stato possibile verificare il vostro codice fiscale!", "vies.error.PRO.italy.headline": "Non è stato possibile verificare il vostro codice fiscale!", "vies.error.ECR.italy.headline": "Non è stato possibile verificare il vostro codice fiscale!", "vies.error.EC.italy.message": "I codici fiscali non validi non verranno considerati negli ordini. Se procedi, l\'ordine verrà elaborato senza codice fiscale. Uno degli errori più comuni è l’omissione del codice nazionale. Verifica che prima del tuo codice fiscale figuri il codice \"IT\". Se i problemi persistono, contatta l\'assistenza clienti.", "vies.error.PRO.italy.message": "I codici fiscali non validi non verranno considerati negli ordini. Se procedi, l\'ordine verrà elaborato senza codice fiscale. Uno degli errori più comuni è l’omissione del codice nazionale. Verifica che prima del tuo codice fiscale figuri il codice \"IT\". Se i problemi persistono, contatta l\'assistenza clienti.", "vies.error.ECR.italy.message": "I codici fiscali non validi non verranno considerati negli ordini. Se procedi, l\'ordine verrà elaborato senza codice fiscale. Uno degli errori più comuni è l’omissione del codice nazionale. Verifica che prima del tuo codice fiscale figuri il codice \"IT\". Se i problemi persistono, contatta l\'assistenza clienti.", "vies.error.EC.croatia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.croatia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.croatia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.croatia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HR\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.croatia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HR\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.croatia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HR\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.latvia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.latvia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.latvia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.latvia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LV\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.latvia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LV\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.latvia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LV\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.lithuania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.lithuania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.lithuania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.lithuania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.lithuania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.lithuania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.luxembourg.headline": "Impossibile verificare la partita IVA fornita!", "vies.error.PRO.luxembourg.headline": "Impossibile verificare la partita IVA fornita!", "vies.error.ECR.luxembourg.headline": "Impossibile verificare la partita IVA fornita!", "vies.error.EC.luxembourg.message": "Le partite IVA non valide non sono considerate nei nostri ordini. Se procede, il suo ordine verrà elaborato senza una partita IVA. Uno degli errori più frequenti è la mancanza del codice del Paese. Si assicuri di aver inserito IT prima della sua partita IVA. In caso di problemi contatti il Servizio Clienti.", "vies.error.PRO.luxembourg.message": "Le partite IVA non valide non sono considerate nei nostri ordini. Se procede, il suo ordine verrà elaborato senza una partita IVA. Uno degli errori più frequenti è la mancanza del codice del Paese. Si assicuri di aver inserito IT prima della sua partita IVA. In caso di problemi contatti il Servizio Clienti.", "vies.error.ECR.luxembourg.message": "Le partite IVA non valide non sono considerate nei nostri ordini. Se procede, il suo ordine verrà elaborato senza una partita IVA. Uno degli errori più frequenti è la mancanza del codice del Paese. Si assicuri di aver inserito IT prima della sua partita IVA. In caso di problemi contatti il Servizio Clienti.", "vies.error.EC.malta.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.malta.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.malta.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.malta.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"MT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support..", "vies.error.PRO.malta.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"MT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.malta.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"MT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.netherlands.headline": "Impossibile verificare la partita IVA inserita!", "vies.error.PRO.netherlands.headline": "Impossibile verificare la partita IVA inserita!", "vies.error.ECR.netherlands.headline": "Impossibile verificare la partita IVA inserita!", "vies.error.EC.netherlands.message": "Le partite IVA non valide non sono considerate nei nostri ordini. Se procede, il suo ordine verrà elaborato senza una partita IVA. Uno degli errori più frequenti è la mancanza del codice del Paese. Si assicuri di aver inserito IT prima della sua partita IVA. In caso di problemi contatti il Servizio Clienti.", "vies.error.PRO.netherlands.message": "Le partite IVA non valide non sono considerate nei nostri ordini. Se procede, il suo ordine verrà elaborato senza una partita IVA. Uno degli errori più frequenti è la mancanza del codice del Paese. Si assicuri di aver inserito IT prima della sua partita IVA. In caso di problemi contatti il Servizio Clienti.", "vies.error.ECR.netherlands.message": "Le partite IVA non valide non sono considerate nei nostri ordini. Se procede, il suo ordine verrà elaborato senza una partita IVA. Uno degli errori più frequenti è la mancanza del codice del Paese. Si assicuri di aver inserito IT prima della sua partita IVA. In caso di problemi contatti il Servizio Clienti.", "vies.error.EC.austria.headline": "Impossibile verificare la partita IVA inserita!", "vies.error.PRO.austria.headline": "Impossibile verificare la partita IVA inserita!", "vies.error.ECR.austria.headline": "Impossibile verificare la partita IVA inserita!", "vies.error.EC.austria.message": "Le partite IVA non valide non sono considerate nei nostri ordini. Se procede, il suo ordine verrà elaborato senza una partita IVA. Uno degli errori più frequenti è la mancanza del codice del Paese. Si assicuri di aver inserito IT prima della sua partita IVA. In caso di problemi contatti il Servizio Clienti.", "vies.error.PRO.austria.message": "Le partite IVA non valide non sono considerate nei nostri ordini. Se procede, il suo ordine verrà elaborato senza una partita IVA. Uno degli errori più frequenti è la mancanza del codice del Paese. Si assicuri di aver inserito IT prima della sua partita IVA. In caso di problemi contatti il Servizio Clienti.", "vies.error.ECR.austria.message": "Le partite IVA non valide non sono considerate nei nostri ordini. Se procede, il suo ordine verrà elaborato senza una partita IVA. Uno degli errori più frequenti è la mancanza del codice del Paese. Si assicuri di aver inserito IT prima della sua partita IVA. In caso di problemi contatti il Servizio Clienti.", "vies.error.EC.poland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.poland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.poland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.poland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.poland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.poland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.portugal.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.portugal.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.portugal.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.portugal.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.portugal.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.portugal.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.romania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.romania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.romania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.romania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"RO\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.romania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"RO\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.romania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"RO\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.sweden.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.sweden.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.sweden.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.sweden.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.sweden.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.sweden.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.slovakia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.slovakia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.slovakia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.slovakia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.slovakia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.slovakia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.slovenia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.slovenia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.slovenia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.slovenia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.slovenia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.slovenia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.spain.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.spain.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.spain.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.spain.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"ES\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.spain.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"ES\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.spain.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"ES\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.czech.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.czech.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.czech.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.czech.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CZ\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.czech.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CZ\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.czech.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CZ\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.hungary.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.hungary.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.hungary.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.hungary.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HU\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.hungary.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HU\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.hungary.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HU\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.cyprus.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.cyprus.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.cyprus.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.cyprus.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CY\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.cyprus.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CY\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.cyprus.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CY\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", }; Vai al contenuto
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In magazzino, consegna entro 4-7 giorni lavorativi L’articolo è attualmente in fase di produzione e sarà presto disponibile nel negozio online. Se desidera preordinare l’articolo, contatti direttamente il nostro Servizio Clienti. L’articolo è attualmente in fase di produzione e sarà presto disponibile nel negozio online. Se desidera preordinare l’articolo, contatti direttamente il nostro Servizio Clienti. solo pochi articoli rimasti Esaurito Nessun dato sulle scorte disponibile
Questo prodotto sarà disponibile tra settimanasettimane
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Il bicchiere Gin tonic è perfetto per gli amanti del gin che desiderano assaporare appieno l’espressione aromatica dei suoi botanicals.
Le collezioni Specialty di SPIEGELAU offrono una varietà di bicchieri specifici per esaltare i drink.
Per cocktail inventivi o semplicemente per completare i classici, la gamma SPIEGELAU Special Glasses Cocktail è la compagna ideale.
Ce produit est fabriqué à la machine. En raison du processus de fabrication, de petites tolérances dans les mesures sont possibles.
Questo prodotto è realizzato in vetro, che può rompersi e creare frammenti taglienti in caso di ribaltamento o caduta.
Questo articolo è lavabile in lavastoviglie.
Questo set contiene 4 bicchieri SPIEGELAU Special Glasses Gin & Tonic.
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